Manage SBC Prefixes

This option lets you configure SBC dial plans for specific sites. SBC prefixes can be configured manually or can be imported from a CSV or text file. A tag can be applied to each entry to associate the prefixes to a specific SBC site location (SIP Connection). The dial plan rule does not have a unique name and instead inherits the name of the configured dialplan e.g. 'CustDialPlan'. In the CLI script, the shortname of the customer is used to match the prefix to the customer tenant. In the Dialplan configured on the SBC device, the Dial plan rule name inherits this shortname.

Hosted Essentials customers are billed for all uploaded numbers including both active and inactive DIDs.

See also:

Upload Dial plan to SBC
Customer Operator Prefix Management
To configure SBC dial plans:
1. In the Service portal Navigation pane, select Configuration > Site Locations.
2. Choose the site for which you wish to configure SBC prefixes, and then click Manage SBC Prefixes.

3. From the Select Dial Plan drop-down, select the required dial plan. The following default dial plans can be selected:

CustDialPlan: Default Dialplan for the Direct Routing customers
RegisteredUsers: Dialplan used for managing IP-PBX users when an IP-PBX is configured in the Onboarding Wizard.
OCDialPlan: Default Operator Connect dialing plan
PBXDomains: Dialplan used for managing PBX domain customers
Zoom: Dialplan used for managing Zoom customers

4. In the Tag/PSTN Gateway field, enter the tag of the site device to which to load the dial plan (there is no need to create a new PSTN gateway for a customer trunk).

Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

This tag may be one of the following values:

The derived Trunk FQDN of the SBC device. Used predominantly for Direct Routing customers.
The Tenant's Azure subscription ID. Used predominantly for Operator Connect customers.

The dialplan rule does not have a unique name and instead inherits the name of the configured dialplan ‘CustDialPlan’. In the CLI script, the shortname of the customer is used to match the prefix to the customer tenant and in the Dialplan configured on the SBC device, the Dial plan rule name inherits this shortname.

5. Do one of the following:
Manually add telephone number prefixes and then click . Enter + prefix for each number that you wish to configure.

The number is displayed in the prefix list.

See example below of numbers that have been loaded to OCDialPlan.

Browse to choose a prefix file to upload (see Upload Dial plan to SBC).
6. Click Text

Description automatically generatedto apply configuration.
7. Click Reload to refresh the list of prefixes with the SBC device.

A picture containing graphical user interface

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